Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What's the Solution To Internet Marketing Obstacles?

If you are just starting out marketing online, you probably realize that making money quickly is much more easier said than done.There is a lot of work involved, and there are several stumbling blocks that all online marketers encounter.

What are some of those obstacles? First of all, most people starting out with internet marketing are doing so because they want to make more money. This means that most likely, they don't have a great deal extra to be spending on business expenses. Other people lack the skills to start a website or navigate around the web. Others don't have a great knowledge of the sales process and have even failed at selling in the past. It can get very frustrating making an effort to sell and not seeing any positive results. If you are like me, time is another issue that many online marketers face. Most are still working full time jobs with other commitments which prevent them from getting sufficient time to start a new business venture.

These are just a few of the common obstacles new internet marketers face. So how do I get around these obstacles, especially if I am just starting out? It would be nice if there was helpful information that could point me to a product to sell that people are looking for, has very low start up and marketing costs, does not require a huge time investment, where no special computer skills are needed.

If that's something you are looking for, I recommend you check out this article....

7 Reasons You Are Not Making Money Online....And One Solution

The article echos the obstacles mentioned above and the solution that can instead start reward you for the efforts you've put forth so far. I invite you to comment on how it works for you.

Have an awesome day!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Getting Started With Selling on eBay

eBay is a popular place for people to sell and make money online. Some just use it to make a few extra bucks by getting rid of unused items from around the house. For other people, it's a full time business and primary income.  This article is geared mostly for those who are relatively new to eBay, or those or who looking to take the next step in their eBay success.

One important question that people initially struggle with is determining what items to sell? At first, it may seem like an easy question to answer. Why not sell anything and everything? However, the more you think about it, the more you probably realize it would be best to stick to one or few specific items. It’s much easier to manage this way, and you can focus your efforts in one area rather that scatter your energies in too many directions.
Another consideration is determining exactly which items to sell. There are several ways to make this determination. The following is an outline that will help you remove your doubts and answer those pending questions.
  • Start around the house - I am sure you can find plenty of un-used and un-wanted items that someone else can use. For example, I found several CDs that I no longer listen to. I found some quality videogames that my kids no longer played. I made good money from a language program that I learned. I am sure you can find plenty of the same types of items
  • Check around town - You can find plenty of items at garage sales, flea markets, Craigslist, or wherever you can think of. I have bought several items at garage sales that were unwanted by their owner, but I knew someone else would find value in it. As a result, I made some good profits.
  • Big and popular isn't better - When people think of which items to sell, they are often attracted to the most popular items, such as cell phones, computers, videogame systems and the like. I will say that these are the most difficult items to sell successfully on eBay. This is because the market for these items is extremely saturated, and you are competing with the top sales pros. You can see more of these types of items by clicking on "Popular Items".
  • Do Your Homework -You need to know what items are gaining sales and how much they are selling for. One place to find this data is on eBay itself. Check the “Completed Listings” area. It indicates sales that have finished  and whether the items sold. If the writing is in red, it means the items didn’t sell . In the event that it’s green, it means the item sold successfully. It likewise shows the amount that it sold for, number of bids, and so on. In the event that an item has a lot of green, you know it can possibly sell well. If the price seems like it would be higher enough than what you paid for it, it’s something you can look into selling.
  • Monitor Your Success - After you have finished a few auctions, be certain to evaluate what worked and maybe what didn’t. Decide you can do to improve your profits and make adjustments. In the event that you wish to be a successful eBay seller, you will do this on a consistent basis.
These are some basic ideas to help you get started selling. By following the above guidelines, you will allow yourself to determine what would be best for you to sell. I will follow up with more detailed articles in the near future to further help you determine what’s best to sell, and how you can maximize your profits. In the meantime, I invite you to check out a free eBook to help you further maximize your eBay selling success...

How To Make Money on eBay

In the meantime, I wish you the best. Have an excellent day!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is It Really Possible To Make Money On eBay?

The above title is one that is asked by many, especially those looking to master the area of online marketing. You may have heard the success stories. People making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling on eBay.

This may seem very appealing to you, and I know it did to me. After all, many of us would love to make a career out of working from home on our own schedule, and making excellent money in the process. Sounds like a great plan, right? However, you may still be it really possible to make good money on eBay?

I will start by admitting that I am not one of those people making hundreds of thousands of dollars from eBay. However, I will say that, even when I was still a relative beginner, I was able to make hundreds of dollars a month with eBay sales. It's one of those things that if I can do it, anyone can. And I have read factual reports of people making thousands a month doing not much more than I was doing.

So now the big do I make money on eBay? I will say first of all, that it is much more than just listing items on an auction site. It takes hours of research, hard work, and a willingness to constantly learn new things and go outside of your comfort zone. It also requires persistence and a positive mindset that is geared for success.

Once you are ready and willing to take care of those ideas listed above, there are other factors to consider, and other questions to answer. Here are some of those:

  • How to I get the most people to see what I am selling?
  • Where do I get products to sell?
  • What do I sell?
  • How can I describe and show my product in an attractive way?
  • How much do I sell things for?
  • How do I deal effectively with my customers and bring them back?
By finding the answers to these questions, you can set yourself up for great success in your selling ventures. However, you may be asking, "where can I find these answers"? I would recommend checking Google, YouTube, and even eBay itself. However, if you are looking for a condensed, informative way to start, I have a free e-book to offer you that answers all of the questions listed above. You can get it now by clicking on the link below...

As mentioned, making good money from eBay takes hard work and doesn't happen overnight. However, if you have the faith and determination necessary, you can surely make it happen. I wish you the absolute best : )

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What If They Don't Buy?

We all have those high ideals. The items we are promoting are wanted by everyone. There's no reason someone wouldn't want this. I can't wait to promote it because my sales will skyrocket. So you post and wait. And wait. And they're still not buying. Then you get frustrated and give up. If  they're not buying nothing good can come from this, right?

I disagree. Unfortunately there are times where sales are much lower than you anticipate, if not non-existent. It's frustrating, I know. However, I would like to remind you that all is not lost if your sales are not making you an immediate millionaire.

So why should you continue to promote? The answer is simple...exposure and traffic. Hopefully you have other great information on your site. Perhaps you have other ventures you are promoting or would like to eventually. Even though your sales are low, there's a good chance people will still notice you. If you didn't get their attention this time, perhaps they will remember you next time. Do you have a mailing list? Keep these visitors informed so that they will updated with your product information.

Remember...all is not lost when the customer does not buy. You can still promote your brand, your quality, and availability. If you don't win now, you will in the future.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Success Is Already A Part Of You

I will start by saying are awesome! It's a fact. Some of you may respond by saying thank you and believing it, while others might doubt it and think of all of the reasons you believe you are not. Either way, it's not something we are often told.

Whether you believe it or not, every single person on this planet has God's power and awesomeness inside them. It's a part of you. The other part of us is not so awesome. That is, our personal ego. It's the ego that says we are inferior, that says we're not good, that says we need to have a certain something to be happy, that says I can't do it. I think you get the picture.

You have a choice. You can let your ego dominate and continue to feel the negative emotions associated with it. Or you can let your Godly spirit shine instead. It's that spirit that is part of the unlimited power, abundance, and love of God. It is that spirit that, when you are aligned with it, enables you to accomplish anything you desire. It is that spirit that is loving, joyful, kind, peaceful, etc. and manifests those qualities in your life and the lives of others.

Which part of you will you allow to shine? I challenge you to remind yourself as much as possible of the undeniable awesomeness you have within you. Please don't doubt it or deny it. It's there. It's part of you. If you don't believe it, it's simply because you choose not to. Let that beautiful spirit shine from within. All you have to do is acknowledge it, do what it inspires you to do, and go where it inspires you to go. When you do, you will quickly see blessings and miracles in your life. You will also be a blessing and an inspiration to others.

Remember again that you are awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and realize that no one can take it away from you. Let this awesome spirit of power and grace shine, and watch the blessings manifest. It's awesome!

**For assistance on discovering that power within you, letting it manifest, and creating the life you desire, I recommend you check out The Secret of Deliberate Creation. Take advantage of this easy to implement program to bring your life to the next level.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What Do You Expect?

Did you know that you receive in life what you expect? If you expect problems or mediocrity, that's what you'll get. If you expect greatness, you will experience it.

It works the same way in your online marketing efforts. Many people begin working, hoping that they will succeed. Others take charge KNOWING they will succeed. Which one wins? I believe the answer is obvious.

If you are going to succeed in your marketing efforts, or anything in life, you need to expect success. Yes, it does take research, patience, and persistence. However, a majority of the marketing game is won in your mind. When you go into something with the belief that you will succeed, your chances greatly increase. In fact, your high level of faith will inspire you to do the other things, like research, action, and persistence.

You may ask at this I can increase my belief in success? I believe there are two main ways:

1. Positive affirmations - The more your subconscious mind hears something, the more it believes it. Repeat positive statements of success as many times throughout the day as you can. Eventually, the positive thoughts will be a natural part of your being.

2. Visualization - Envision the success you are seeking. Imagine people being positively impacted by what you have to offer. In your mind, see your web traffic increasing exponentially. See your bank account growing in leaps and bounds. Like affirmations, the more your mind sees the success you are seeking, the more it believes it and it becomes a natural part of you. When you add positive emotion to the experience, it engrains into your mind even faster.

If you would like to pursue other ways to increase the power of your mind, and success in life, I recommend
The Secret of Deliberate Creation. It is an excellent program that will help you rapidly produce the positive results you are seeking.

I will ask again...what do you expect? Expect success and you will experience it. It's as simple as that. Have an excellent day!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Taking Your Online Marketing Efforts One Step At A Time

I would like to take this opportunity to answer a common question about online and affiliate marketing. This question is especially relevant for those just starting out.

The question many products do I sell or promote? I will say that, in one way, I will provide the cop-out answer. However, I still believe the information provided will help you. The cop-out answer many products as you can handle. The logical answer few as possible.

I understand that new marketers want to promote many products to experiment and determine what works best. However, I have learned from experience that trying to promote many products at once can lead to confusion, and causes you to spread your efforts too thin. As a result, many burn out and quickly give up their marketing efforts all-together.

When you focus your efforts on one or two products, you can place your entire focus on finding and using the most effective ways to market your products. After trying to promote many different products at first and achieving only minimal results, I heeded this advice and focused my efforts on promoting only two products. As a result, I was able to write more quality content, and the more focused approach has helped me determine the best marketing methods to use. I also feel like I have an easier, more specific target to shoot at. I am receiving much more traffic to my site. Of course more traffic equals more sales.

I advise you today to minimize the number of products you promote, especially as you first start out. In order to choose the right products, I recommend you do your research carefully. See what products are selling best in your chosen niche. Then focus on the promotion methods that are working best for you by tracking your web traffic and sales numbers. As you become more skilled, you can then begin to expand your horizons more and take on some other campaigns.

I wish you the best in your online selling endeavors. The above advice is information that was provided to me, and I have found it much easier to market this way. I can provide more quality information to the potential customer, and more easily determine the methods to use in order to communicate my message. As always, I would love to know what works best for you. Please feel free to share. Have an excellent day!